cerulean package

The cerulean module is the main API for Cerulean.

This module contains all the functions you need to use Cerulean.

Below, you will also find documentation for submodules. That is developer documentation, you do not need it to use Cerulean.

cerulean.copy(source_path: cerulean.path.Path, target_path: cerulean.path.Path, overwrite: str = 'never', copy_into: bool = True, copy_permissions: bool = False, callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int], None]] = None) → None

Copy a file or directory from one path to another.

Note that source_path and target_path may be paths on different file systems.

The overwrite parameter decides what to do if a file is encountered on the target side that would be overwritten. If overwrite equals ‘raise’, then a FileExistsError is raised. If overwrite equals ‘always’, then the file is overwritten (removed and replaced if needed). If overwrite equals ‘never’, then the existing file is kept, and the source file not copied.

If the target is a directory and copy_into is True (the default), the source will be copied into the target directory. If an entry with the same name already exists within the target directory, then the overwrite parameter decides what happens. If copy_into is False, the source will be copied on top of the directory, subject to the setting for overwrite.

If copy_permissions is True, this function will make the target’s permissions match those of the source, including SETUID, SETGID and sticky bits. If copy_permissions is False, the target’s permissions are left at their default values (according to the umask, on Unix-like systems), less any permissions that the source file does not have.

If callback is provided, it should be a function taking two arguments, the current count of bytes copied and the total number of bytes to be copied. It will be called once at the beginning of the copy operation (with count == 0), once at the end (with count == total), and in between about once per second, if the copy takes long enough. Note that the total number of bytes passed to the callback is approximate, and that the count may be larger than the total if the estimate was off. To abort the copy, raise an exception from the callback function.

  • source_path – The path to the source file.
  • target_path – A path to copy it to.
  • overwrite – Selects behaviour when the target exists.
  • copy_into – Whether to copy into target directories.
  • copy_permissions – Whether to copy permissions along.
  • callback – A callback function to call regularly with progress reports.
cerulean.logger = <Logger cerulean (WARNING)>

The Cerulean root logger. Use this to set Cerulean’s log level.

In particular, if something goes wrong and you want more debug output, you can do:

import logging


or for even more:

cerulean.make_file_system(protocol: str, location: Optional[str] = None, credential: Optional[cerulean.credential.Credential] = None) → cerulean.file_system.FileSystem

Make a file system object.

This is a factory function for FileSystem objects. It will instantiate a FileSystem implementation according to the parameters you give it.

FileSystems may hold resources, so you should either use this function with a with statement, or call close() on the returned object when you are done with it.

  • protocol – The protocol to use to connect to the file system. Can be local, sftp or webdav. For local, location and credential can be omitted. For webdav, credential can be omitted.
  • location – The location in the form hostname, hostname:port or http(s)://hostname:port/base_path to connect to.
  • credential – The Credential to use to connect with.

An instance of a FileSystem representing the described file system.

cerulean.make_terminal(protocol: str, location: Optional[str] = None, credential: Optional[cerulean.credential.Credential] = None) → cerulean.terminal.Terminal

Make a terminal object.

This is a factory function for Terminal objects. It will instantiate a Terminal implementation according to the parameters you give it.

Terminals may hold resources, so you should either use this function with a with statement, or call close() on the returned object when you are done with it.

  • protocol – The protocol to use to connect to the file system. Can be local or sftp. For local, location and credential can be omitted.
  • location – The location in the form hostname or hostname:port to connect to.
  • credential – The Credential to use to connect with.

An instance of a FileSystem representing the described file system.

cerulean.make_scheduler(name: str, terminal: cerulean.terminal.Terminal, prefix: str = '') → cerulean.scheduler.Scheduler

Make a scheduler object.

This is a factory function for Scheduler objects. It will instantiate a Scheduler implementation according to the parameters you give it, which talks to the supplied Terminal.

  • name – The name of the scheduler. One of directgnu, slurm, or torque.
  • terminal – The terminal this Scheduler will communicate on.
  • prefix – A string to prefix any shell commands with.

The Scheduler.

class cerulean.Credential

Bases: abc.ABC

A credential for connecting to remote machines.

Credentials don’t have much in common other than a username, which is best modelled as a public attribute. So this interface is empty, and only here to provide a generic type to represent any credential in the API.


The name of the user to connect as.

class cerulean.EntryType

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

FIFO = 6
FILE = 2
class cerulean.PasswordCredential(username: str, password: str)

Bases: cerulean.credential.Credential

A credential comprising a username and password.


The name of the user to connect as


The password to authenticate with

class cerulean.Permission

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

SGID = 1024
STICKY = 512
SUID = 2048
class cerulean.PubKeyCredential(username: str, public_key: str, passphrase: str = None)

Bases: cerulean.credential.Credential

A credential using a public/private key pair.


The name of the user to connect as


The (local) path to a key file


The passphrase to decrypt the key with; optional.

class cerulean.DirectGnuScheduler(terminal: cerulean.terminal.Terminal, prefix: str = '')

Bases: cerulean.scheduler.Scheduler

A scheduler that runs processes directly on a GNU system.

This scheduler does not have a queue, instead it launches each job immediately as a process, and uses ps and kill to manage it. This should work fine on any normal GNU/Linux system, but in some cases you may need an extra command to make bash, ps and/or kill available (e.g. setting a PATH). If so, you can specify prefix, and it will be prepended onto these commands. Note that this is a simple string concatenation, so you may need a semicolon at the end depending your exact prefix command.

cancel(job_id: str) → None

Cancel a running job.

Submits a cancellation request for a job to the scheduler.

Parameters:job_id – Id of the job to be cancelled.
get_exit_code(job_id: str) → Optional[int]

Get the exit code of a finished job.

Once a job is done, its exit code may be requested using this method. If the job is still running or failed to start, then there is no exit code, and None will be returned.

Parameters:job_id – A job id string obtained from submit().
Returns:The exit code, or None if there is none.
get_status(job_id: str) → cerulean.job_status.JobStatus

Look up the status of a job.

This method is used to check if a job is still in the queue, running, or done.

Parameters:job_id – A job id string obtained from submit().
Returns:The status of the job as a JobStatus
submit(job_description: cerulean.job_description.JobDescription) → str

Submit a job for execution.

Parameters:job_description – A description of the job to run.
Returns:A job id that can be used to keep track of it.
class cerulean.FileSystem

Bases: abc.ABC

Represents a file system.

This is a generic interface class that all file systems inherit from, so you can use it wherever any file system will do.

In order to do something useful, you’ll want an actual file system, like a LocalFileSystem or an SftpFileSystem.

FileSystems may hold resources, so you should either use them with a with statement, or call close() on the returned object when you are done with it.

Beyond that, file systems support a single operation:

fs / 'path'

which produces a Path, through which you can do things with files.

close() → None

Close connections and free resources, if any.

FileSystem objects may hold resources that need to be freed when you are done with the object. You can free them by calling this function, or you can use the FileSystem as a context manager using a with statement.

root() → cerulean.path.Path

Returns a Path representing the root of the file system.

class cerulean.JobDescription

Bases: object

Describes a job to submit to a scheduler.


The name of the job, with which it will show up in the scheduler’s queue. Cerulean does not use the name, but it may be useful if you manually check the queue.


The working directory to execute in.


A dictionary of environment variables to define, and their values.

Type:Dict[str, str]

The command to execute.


A list of arguments to pass. If needed, you need to add quotes yourself, the arguments will not be escaped by cerulean.

Type:list of str

File to direct standard output to.


File to direct standard error to.


Name of the queue to submit to.


Time to reserve, in seconds.


The number of nodes to reserve.


Number of MPI processes to start per node.


File to direct the standard output of the scheduler to.


File to direct the standard error of the scheduler to.


Additional options to add to the scheduler command line on job submission. Note that these are scheduler-specific!

Note that stdout_file and stderr_file will receive the output of the process you are starting, while system_out_file and system_err_file will receive messages from the scheduler
Type:e.g. that the job ran out of its time limit and was killed
class cerulean.JobStatus

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

DONE = 3
class cerulean.LocalFileSystem

Bases: cerulean.file_system_impl.FileSystemImpl

Represents the local file system.

To create an instance, just call LocalFileSystem().

LocalFileSystem support a single operation:

fs / 'path'

which produces a Path, through which you can do things with local files.

LocalFileSystem is a context manager, so you can use it in a with statement, and it has a close() method, but since it doesn’t hold any resources, you do not need to use them. It may be good to do so anyway, to avoid leaks if you ever replace it with a different FileSystem that does.

root() → cerulean.path.Path

Returns a Path representing the root of the file system.

class cerulean.LocalTerminal

Bases: cerulean.terminal.Terminal

A Terminal for running commands on the local machine.

To create one, just do term = LocalTerminal().

run(timeout: float, command: str, args: List[str], stdin_data: str = None, workdir: str = None) → Tuple[Optional[int], str, str]

Run a shell command.

The command will be run in the default shell, and arguments are not quoted automatically. If you have untrusted or unknown input, be sure to quote it using quote() from the shlex module of the Python standard library.

  • timeout – How long to wait for the result(s)
  • command – The command to run.
  • args – A list of arguments to pass
  • stdin_data – Data to pass to standard input
  • workdir – Working directory to execute in

A tuple containing the exit code, standard output, and standard error output.

class cerulean.Path(filesystem: FileSystemImpl, path: Union[pathlib.Path, pathlib.PurePosixPath, pathlib.PureWindowsPath])

Bases: object

A path on a file system.

This class implements the pathlib.PurePosixPath interface fully, and a pathlib.PosixPath-like interface, although it has some omissions, additions, and improvements to make it more compatible with remote and non-standard file systems.

To make a Path, create a FileSystem first, then use the / operator on it, e.g. fs / ‘home’ / ‘user’. Do not construct objects of this class directly.

Paths can be compared for (non-)equality using == and !=. Paths that compare unequal could still refer to the same file, if it is accessible in multiple ways. For instance, a local path /tmp would compare unequal to a path /tmp on an SftpFileSystem, even if the SftpFileSystem is connected to localhost, and the paths do in fact refer to the same directory.


The file system that this path is on.


The concatenation of the drive and the root.

as_posix() → str

Returns the path as a string with forward slashes.

as_uri() → str

Returns a URI representing the path.

This is not yet implemented, please file an issue if you need it.

chmod(mode: int) → None

Sets permissions.

Parameters:mode – The numerical mode describing the permissions to set. This uses standard POSIX mode definitions, see man chmod.

The drive letter (including the colon), if any.

entry_type() → cerulean.path.EntryType

Returns the kind of directory entry type the path points to.

Returns:An EntryType enum value describing the filesystem entry.
Raises:FileNotFoundError – If there is no file here.
exists() → bool

Returns true iff a filesystem object exists at this path.

If the path denotes a symlink, returns whether the symlink points to an existing filesystem object, recursively. If the symlink is part of a link loop, returns False.

Returns:True iff the path exists on the filesystem.
gid() → Optional[int]

Returns the group id associated with the object.

Returns:An integer with the id, or None of not supported.
has_permission(permission: cerulean.path.Permission) → bool

Checks permissions.

Parameters:permission – A particular file permission, see Permission
Returns:True iff the object exists and has the given permission.
is_absolute() → bool

Returns whether the path is absolute.

is_dir() → bool

Returns whether the path is a directory.

Returns:True iff the path exists and is a directory, or a symbolic link pointing to a directory.
is_file() → bool

Returns whether the path is a file.

Returns:True iff the path exists and is a file, or a symbolic link pointing to a file.
is_reserved() → bool

Return whether the path is reserved.

This can only happen on Windows on a LocalFileSystem.

Returns whether the path is a symlink.

Returns:True iff the path exists and is a symbolic link.
iterdir() → Generator[cerulean.path.Path, None, None]

Iterates through a directory’s contents.

Yields:Paths of entries in the directory.
joinpath(*other) → cerulean.path.Path

Joins another path or string onto the back of this one.

Parameters:other – The other path to append to this one.
Returns:The combined path.
mkdir(mode: Optional[int] = None, parents: bool = False, exists_ok: bool = False) → None

Makes a directory with the given access rights.

If mode is not set or None, assigns permissions according to the current umask. If parents is True, makes parent directories as needed. If exists_ok is True, silently ignores if the directory already exists.

  • mode – A numerical Posix access permissions mode.
  • parents – Whether to make parent directories.
  • exists_ok – Don’t raise if target already exists.

The name of the file or directory.

This excludes parents but includes the suffix.


The logical parent of the path.


A sequence containing the logical ancestors of the path.


A tuple containing the path’s components.

read_bytes() → bytes

Reads file contents as a bytes object.

Returns:The contents of the file.
read_text(encoding: str = 'utf-8') → str

Reads file contents as a string.

Assumes UTF-8 encoding.

Parameters:encoding – The encoding to assume.
Returns:The contents of the file.

Reads the target of a symbolic link.

Note that the result may be a relative path, which should then be taken relative to the directory containing the link.

If recursive is True, this function will follow a chain of symlinks until it reaches something that is not a symlink, or until the maximum recursion depth is reached and a RunTimeError is raised.

Parameters:recursive – Whether to resolve recursively.
Returns:The path that the symlink points to.
Raises:RunTimeError – The recursion depth was reached, probably as a result of a link loop.
relative_to(*other) → cerulean.path.Path

Returns a version of this path relative to another path.

Both paths must be on the same file system.

Parameters:other – The path to use as a reference.
remove() → None

Removes a file, link, device or directory.

Directories are removed recursively, links, devices and files are deleted. Link targets are left in place. Returns without error if there is nothing there already.

Use this method to ensure that there is no entry at this path.

rename(target: cerulean.path.Path) → None

Renames a file.

The new path must be in the same filesystem. If the new path exists, then it will be overwritten.

Parameters:target – The new path of the file.
rmdir(recursive: bool = False) → None

Removes a directory.

If recursive is True, remove all files and directories inside as well. If recursive is False, the directory must be empty.


A string representing the root of the filesystem.

set_permission(permission: cerulean.path.Permission, value: bool = True) → None

Sets permissions.

  • permission – The permission to set.
  • value – Whether to enable or disable the permission.
size() → int

Returns the size of the file.

Returns:An integer with the number of bytes in the file.

The stem of this path.

This is the name of the file or directory, excluding parents and excluding the suffix.

streaming_read() → Generator[bytes, None, None]

Streams data from a file.

This is a generator function that generates bytes objects containing consecutive chunks of the file.

streaming_write(data: Iterable[bytes]) → None

Streams data to a file.

Creates a new file (overwriting any existing file) at the current path, and writes data to it from the given iterable.

Parameters:data – An iterable of bytes containing data to be written.

The file extension of the file or directory, if any.


A list of all the extensions in the file name.

Makes a symlink from the current path to the target.

If this raises an OSError with the message Failed, then the problem may be that the target does not exist.

Parameters:target – The path to symlink to.
Raises:FileExistsError – if you try to overwrite an existing entry with a symlink.
touch() → None

Updates the access and modification times of file.

If the file does not exist, it will be created, which is often what this function is used for.

uid() → Optional[int]

Returns the user id of the owner of the object.

Returns:An integer with the id, or None if not supported.

Removes a file or device node.

For removing directories, see rmdir().

walk(topdown: bool = True, onerror: Optional[Callable[[OSError], None]] = None, followlinks: bool = False) → Generator[Tuple[cerulean.path.Path, List[str], List[str]], None, None]

Walks a directory hierarchy recursively.

This is a version of Python’s os.walk() function adapted to be a little bit more pathlib-like. It walks the directory and its subdirectories, yielding a tuple (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) for each directory. These are the path of the directory, as a Path, a list of strings containing the names of the subdirectories inside this directory, and a list of strings containing the names of the non-directories in this directory respectively.

If topdown is True, the triple for a directory will be produced before the triples of its subdirectories; if it is False, it will be produced after (pre- and post-order traversal respectively).

If onerror is set, the function it is set to will be called if an error occurs, and passed an instance of OSError. The callback can handle the error in some way, or raise it to end the traversal. The OSError object will have an attribute filename containing the name of the file that triggered the problem as a string.

If followlinks is True, this function will recurse into symlinks that point to directories, if it is False, it will silently skip them.

Yields:Tuples (dirpath, dirnames, filenames), as above.
with_name(name: str) → cerulean.path.Path

Return a new path with the last component set to name.

Parameters:name – The new name to use.
with_suffix(suffix: str) → cerulean.path.Path

Return a new path with the suffix set to suffix

Parameters:suffix – The new suffix to use.
write_bytes(data: bytes) → None

Writes bytes to the file.

Overwrites the file if it exists.

Parameters:data – The data to be written.
write_text(text: str, encoding: str = 'utf-8') → None

Writes text to a file.

Overwrites the file if it exists.

  • text – The text to be written.
  • encoding – The encoding to use.
class cerulean.Scheduler

Bases: abc.ABC

Interface for job schedulers.

To run jobs using a scheduler, you will want to use SlurmScheduler or TorqueScheduler.

cancel(job_id: str) → None

Cancel a running job.

Submits a cancellation request for a job to the scheduler.

Parameters:job_id – Id of the job to be cancelled.
get_exit_code(job_id: str) → Optional[int]

Get the exit code of a finished job.

Once a job is done, its exit code may be requested using this method. If the job is still running or failed to start, then there is no exit code, and None will be returned.

Parameters:job_id – A job id string obtained from submit().
Returns:The exit code, or None if there is none.
get_status(job_id: str) → cerulean.job_status.JobStatus

Look up the status of a job.

This method is used to check if a job is still in the queue, running, or done.

Parameters:job_id – A job id string obtained from submit().
Returns:The status of the job as a JobStatus
submit(job_description: cerulean.job_description.JobDescription) → str

Submit a job for execution.

Parameters:job_description – A description of the job to run.
Returns:A job id that can be used to keep track of it.
wait(job_id: str, time_out: float = -1.0, interval: float = None) → Optional[int]

Wait until the job is done.

Will wait approximately time_out seconds for the job to finish. Returns the exit code if the job finished, otherwise None.

The state of the job will be checked every interval seconds. If interval is None, or not specified, then the interval will be 1s, or time_out / 50, whichever is larger. If time_out is not given, the interval will start at 1s, then increase gradually to about 30s.

  • job_id – The job to wait for.
  • time_out – Time to wait in seconds. If negative, wait forever.
  • interval – Time to wait between checks. See above.

The exit code of the job.

class cerulean.SftpFileSystem(terminal: cerulean.ssh_terminal.SshTerminal, own_term: bool = False)

Bases: cerulean.file_system_impl.FileSystemImpl

A FileSystem implementation that connects to an SFTP server.

SftpFileSystem supports the / operation:

fs / 'path'

which produces a Path, through which you can do things with the remote files.

It is also a context manager, so that you can (and should!) use it with a with statement, which will ensure that the connection is closed when you are done with the it. Alternatively, you can call close() to close the connection.

If own_term is True, this class assumes that it owns the terminal you gave it, and that it is responsible for closing it when it’s done with it. If you share an SshTerminal between an SftpFileSystem and a scheduler, or use the terminal directly yourself, then you want to use False here, and close the terminal yourself when you don’t need it any more.

  • terminal – The terminal to connect through.
  • own_term – Whether to close the terminal when the file system is closed.
close() → None

Close connections and free resources, if any.

FileSystem objects may hold resources that need to be freed when you are done with the object. You can free them by calling this function, or you can use the FileSystem as a context manager using a with statement.

root() → cerulean.path.Path

Returns a Path representing the root of the file system.

class cerulean.SlurmScheduler(terminal: cerulean.terminal.Terminal, prefix: str = '')

Bases: cerulean.scheduler.Scheduler

Represents a Slurm scheduler.

This class represents a Slurm scheduler, to which it talks through a Terminal.

On some machines, an additional command is needed to make Slurm available to the user, e.g. ‘module load slurm’. If you specify a prefix, it will be prepended to any Slurm command run by this class. Note that this is a plain string concatenation, so you’ll probably need something like ‘module load slurm;’, with a semicolon to separate the commands.

cancel(job_id: str) → None

Cancel a running job.

Submits a cancellation request for a job to the scheduler.

Parameters:job_id – Id of the job to be cancelled.
get_exit_code(job_id: str) → Optional[int]

Get the exit code of a finished job.

Once a job is done, its exit code may be requested using this method. If the job is still running or failed to start, then there is no exit code, and None will be returned.

Parameters:job_id – A job id string obtained from submit().
Returns:The exit code, or None if there is none.
get_status(job_id: str) → cerulean.job_status.JobStatus

Look up the status of a job.

This method is used to check if a job is still in the queue, running, or done.

Parameters:job_id – A job id string obtained from submit().
Returns:The status of the job as a JobStatus
submit(job_description: cerulean.job_description.JobDescription) → str

Submit a job for execution.

Parameters:job_description – A description of the job to run.
Returns:A job id that can be used to keep track of it.
class cerulean.SshTerminal(host: str, port: int, credential: cerulean.credential.Credential)

Bases: cerulean.terminal.Terminal

A terminal that runs commands over SSH.

This terminal connects to a host using SSH, then lets you run commands there.

  • host – The hostname to connect to.
  • port – The port to connect on.
  • credential – The credential to authenticate with.
close() → None

Close the terminal.

This closes any connections and frees resources associated with the terminal.

run(timeout: float, command: str, args: List[str], stdin_data: str = None, workdir: str = None) → Tuple[Optional[int], str, str]

Run a shell command.

The command will be run in the default shell, and arguments are not quoted automatically. If you have untrusted or unknown input, be sure to quote it using quote() from the shlex module of the Python standard library.

  • timeout – How long to wait for the result(s)
  • command – The command to run.
  • args – A list of arguments to pass
  • stdin_data – Data to pass to standard input
  • workdir – Working directory to execute in

A tuple containing the exit code, standard output, and standard error output.

class cerulean.Terminal

Bases: abc.ABC

Interface for Terminals.

This is a generic interface class that all terminals inherit from, so you can use it wherever any terminal will do.

In order to do something useful, you’ll want an actual terminal, like a LocalTerminal or an SshTerminal.

Terminals may hold resources, so you should either use them with a with statement, or call close() on them when you are done with them.

close() → None

Close the terminal.

This closes any connections and frees resources associated with the terminal. LocalTerminal does not require this, but terminals that connect to remote machines do. You may want to always either close a Terminal, or use it as a context manager, to avoid problems if you ever change from a local terminal to a remote one.

run(timeout: float, command: str, args: List[str], stdin_data: str = None, workdir: str = None) → Tuple[Optional[int], str, str]

Run a shell command.

The command will be run in the default shell, and arguments are not quoted automatically. If you have untrusted or unknown input, be sure to quote it using quote() from the shlex module of the Python standard library.

  • timeout – How long to wait for the result(s)
  • command – The command to run.
  • args – A list of arguments to pass
  • stdin_data – Data to pass to standard input
  • workdir – Working directory to execute in

A tuple containing the exit code, standard output, and standard error output.

class cerulean.TorqueScheduler(terminal: cerulean.terminal.Terminal, prefix: str = '')

Bases: cerulean.scheduler.Scheduler

Represents a Torque scheduler.

This class represents a Torque scheduler, to which it talks through a Terminal.

On some machines, an additional command is needed to make Torque available to the user, e.g. ‘module load torque’. If you specify a prefix, it will be prepended to any Torque command run by this class. Note that this is a plain string concatenation, so you’ll probably need something like ‘module load torque;’, with a semicolon to separate the commands.

  • terminal – The terminal to use to talk to the scheduler.
  • prefix – A string to prefix the Torque commands with.
cancel(job_id: str) → None

Cancel a running job.

Submits a cancellation request for a job to the scheduler.

Parameters:job_id – Id of the job to be cancelled.
get_exit_code(job_id: str) → Optional[int]

Get the exit code of a finished job.

Once a job is done, its exit code may be requested using this method. If the job is still running or failed to start, then there is no exit code, and None will be returned.

Parameters:job_id – A job id string obtained from submit().
Returns:The exit code, or None if there is none.
get_status(job_id: str) → cerulean.job_status.JobStatus

Look up the status of a job.

This method is used to check if a job is still in the queue, running, or done.

Parameters:job_id – A job id string obtained from submit().
Returns:The status of the job as a JobStatus
submit(job_description: cerulean.job_description.JobDescription) → str

Submit a job for execution.

Parameters:job_description – A description of the job to run.
Returns:A job id that can be used to keep track of it.
exception cerulean.UnsupportedOperationError

Bases: RuntimeError

Raised when an unsupported method is called.

See WebdavFileSystem.

class cerulean.WebdavFileSystem(url: str, credential: Optional[cerulean.credential.Credential] = None, host_ca_cert_file: Optional[str] = None, unsupported_methods_raise: Optional[bool] = True)

Bases: cerulean.file_system_impl.FileSystemImpl

A FileSystem implementation that connects to a WebDAV server.

WebdavFileSystem supports the / operation:

fs / 'path'

which produces a Path, through which you can do things with the remote files.

It is also a context manager, so that you can (and should!) use it with a with statement, which will ensure that the connection is closed when you are done with the it. Alternatively, you can call close() to close the connection.

The WebDAV protocol does not support all operations specified by the Cerulean API. In particular, symbolic links are not supported, nor are ownership and permissions. Read-access to these properties is emulated, e.g. is_symlink() simply always returns false, all files and directories are owned by uid 0 and gid 0, with access permissions determined by whether the server will let us access them.

By default, if you try to run any of the related modifying methods, e.g. symlink_to() or set_permissions(), an UnsupportedOperationError will be raised. If you set unsupported_methods_raise to False when creating a WebdavFileSystem, then these methods will simply return without doing anything.

WebdavFileSystem supports both HTTP and HTTPS, but not (yet) client-side certificates.

  • url – The server base location, e.g. http://example.com/webdav
  • credential – The credential to use to connect.
  • host_ca_cert_file – Path to a certificate file to use for authentication. Useful for servers that use a self-signed certificate.
  • unsupported_methods_raise – Raise on using an unsupported method, see above.
close() → None

Close connections and free resources, if any.

FileSystem objects may hold resources that need to be freed when you are done with the object. You can free them by calling this function, or you can use the FileSystem as a context manager using a with statement.

root() → cerulean.path.Path

Returns a Path representing the root of the file system.